Is it possible to map a "clear tare" through software on my HI 3030 so I can clear the tare through RSLogix? The following mapping exists through internet explorer for DeviceNet:
DFO0=+HFI4, DFO2=+HFI8, DFO4=+HFO21, DIO6=+HSI3, DO7.0=+HI1.6, HO1.0=+DI0.0
This mapping equates to:
DFO0(DeviceNet Float Output) = +HFI4(Gross Weight chan 1)
DFO2(DeviceNet Float Output) = +HFI8(Net Weight chan 1)
DFO4(DeviceNet Float Output) = +HFO21(Tare weight Chan 1)
DIO6(DeviceNet Integer Output) = +HSI3(Command Status)
DO7.0(DeviceNet Boolean Output) = +HI1.6(Motion)
HO1.0(Tare 1 command) = +DI0.0(DeviceNet Boolean Input)
Is there an instruction to clear the tare? Suggestions?