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Why isn't my instrument reading correct above 32,767 lbs?

My weight reading is fine until I reach weights of 32,767 lbs. After this, it rolls over to a negative number. Why isn't my instrument reading correct above 32,767 lbs?

Why am I losing cal data but not getting a TGERR on my HI 2151/20WC?

I do not get a TGERR on my HI 2151/20WC display but still lose parameter settings and/or calibration data. I do not receive this message even though the units have a SMM 1205 with firmware 0650-0069. Is the battery inside the SMM unit weak?

Why am I blowing fuses on my HI 2151/30WC or HI 2110WI?

I have a blank display and found the fuse was blown. When I install a correct replacement fuse, it also blows at power up. Why am I blowing fuses on my HI 2151/30WC, HI2110WI, or HI 2151/20WC?

Why am I getting a TGERR display at power up and losing calibration?

What is the problem when TGERR or T6ERR is briefly displayed at power up and all the calibration is lost?

Can I calculate the expected millivolt reading of my scale?

Can I calculate the expected Millivolt reading of my scale?  I want to place a test weight on the scale and know what the expected signal Mv load cell output increase will be.

How can I test the analog out port without applying weight?

How can I test or calibrate the Analog Out port without applying weight on my HI 2110WI, HI 2151/20WC, HI 2151/30WC or HI 2160RC?

Why is my zero weight reading incorrect or locking high? What is linear correction?

My weight reading does not start at zero with an empty vessel or locks at a high weight level. My contractor said something about linear correction. What exactly is linear correction and what are some indications of a poor linear correction?

What does the units or metric parameter change?

When I change the units or metric parameter in my HI 2110WI, HI 2151/30WC or the older HI 2151/20WC, are all the parameters changed?

Can my HI 2110WI or HI 2151/30WC communicate with a PLC-5?

I have a HI 2151/20WC, a HI 2151/30WC, and a HI 2110WI and would like to communicate to a Allen Bradley PLC-5. What options are available to accomplish this?

How do I calibrate my HI 2151/30WC using NTEP?

How do I setup and calibrate my HI 2151/30WC using NTEP?