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Is a RIO block transfer required to receive every channels data on my HI 3030?

Do I need to perform a block transfer on Remote I/O in order to receive every channels data on the HI 3030 unit?

How do you view multiple 3000 Series units connected via the Ethernet browser?

If I am connected to the Series 3000 controller (via the Ethernet browser) that is also connected to another Series 3000 via DEVICENET, can I look through the first Series 3000 on my PC to see what's going on in the second Series 3000?

What would be the suggested logic for RIO communication on my HI 3000 series unit?

What would be the suggested logic for communication using discrete and block transfer? If I use discrete, what data and in what order can I access it? If it is by block transfers what would be the configuration and length of them so as the order of the data showed in the data table in which I will read?

Can I connect a remote display to the HI 3010 serial port?

Can I connect a remote display to the HI 3010 serial port?

How do I eliminate the motion error?

How do I eliminate the motion error?

Is "node 0" and "local" referring to the same instrument in the mapping menus?

Is "node 0" and "local" referring to the same instrument in the mapping menus in the HI 3010 and HI 3030?

What functions can I map on my HI 4000 series?

What kind of information can I manage through the communication interface networks (DeviceNet, Ethernet/IP, Modbus, Profibus, ControlNet, and RIO) with my HI 4050 or HI 4060? In other words, are all the series functions, configuration and monitoring data available through mapping?

Is Data Highway Plus supported and at what baud rate?

We are trying to access our Hardy Instrument using DH+ Network. Is Data Highway Plus supported and at what baud rate?

What type of solid state device does the HI 3000 series controllers outputs use?

What type of solid state device does the 3000 series controllers outputs use for AC?

What is the gate time in the HI 3010 configuration?

What is the gate time in the HI 3010 configuration?