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New HIDS Drum Scales!

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Maintenance Engineer

Maintenance Engineer

Our industrial weighing systems used to leave me with a lot of questions. Were the scales accurate and repeatable after my calibrations? Could my calibration and diagnostic procedures be done more safely or more quickly? I don’t like to guess – I’m not a weighing specialist, and I don’t have time for trial and error. Working with Hardy, I know the maintenance I perform is reliable. I know the scales I repair, calibrate, and verify will perform as expected. Production counts on me to deliver, and Hardy makes it easier for me to do just that. — Mike, Maintenance Manager

Fastest Calibration


Did you know you can calibrate a scale without test weights as accurately and just as quickly?

If you’ve thought that using test weights is the only way to calibrate a scale, you’ve been misinformed.

Our customers have installed over 150,000 pre-calibrated Hardy C2® load cells under their silo, tank, platform, and bench scales.

Get the PDF on Weightless Calibration

Our customers complete their calibrations up to 4x faster

Our customers have made the task 7x safer for their employees

Our C2 load cells are 2x more reliable. They expose mechanical problems while traditional calibrations hide problems

Our customers have reduced the time their scales are unavailable for production between 38 to 51%

Fastest Diagnostics


Did you know a scale can diagnose itself faster and more reliably than any scale technician can?

If you’ve thought that contracting a scale technician is the only way to diagnose a scale, you’ve been misinformed.

Our customers have installed over 110,000 Hardy self-diagnosing weight processors or controllers with our integrated technician (IT) and web server technology on their silo, tank, platform, and bench scales.

Get the PDF on Fastest Scale Diagnostics

Our customers diagnose their scales up to 5x faster

Our customers have made the task 2x safer for their employees

Our customers have made the task 3x easier and the diagnostic results are 2x more reliable

Our customers have reduced the time their scales are unavailable for production by 60%

Easiest Setup


Did you know it doesn’t have to be confusing and difficult to set up and backup scale parameters?

Many systems integrators and maintenance technicians report it can take hours to figure out how to set up and backup their weight processors or weight controllers.

That’s because they weren’t taking advantage of the right integration tools.

Get the Scoop on the Easiest Setup

Our customers have installed more than 110,000 Hardy weight processors or controllers using Hardy’s Process Toolbox (link to "Core Technology - Hardy Process Toolbox" page) on their silo, tank, platform, and bench scales. Hardy’s setup wizard walks a novice through the setup. Our mapping tool does not require any programming knowledge and our secure memory modules (SMM) take care of backing up configuration parameters.

Our customers set their scales up 2x faster

Our customers have made their backups more robust

Our customers have made the task 2x easier

Our customers have reduced the setup time by up to 50%