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Increase Overall Plant Efficiency with Hardy Weightless Calibration

Did you know you can calibrate a scale without test weights as accurately and just as quickly?

Did you know you can calibrate a scale without test weights as accurately and just as quickly? If you’ve thought that using test weights is the only way to calibrate a scale, you’ve been misinformed. Our customers have installed over 150,000 pre-calibrated Hardy C2® load cells under their silo, tank, platform, and bench scales. Our customers complete their calibrations up to 4X FASTER. Our customers have made the task 7X SAFER for their employee. Our C2 load cells are 2X MORE RELIABLE. They also expose mechanical problems while traditional calibrations hide problems. Our customers have reduced the time their scales are unavailable for production between 38 to 51%.

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Book a one-on-one application with a Hardy weighing specialist today!

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