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New HIDS Drum Scales!
Click Here to Learn More!A "HI" indication on a HI 2151/20WC, HI 2151/30WC or HI 2110WI means either that the "Scale Capacity" parameter value in the configuration menu is below the actual weight on the scale or that the load cell/sensor millivolt output has exceed the 15 mV input limit dictated by the weight controller hardware design. In the configuration menu there is a setting for scale capacity (SC CAP). If this value is exceeded by 5% -HI- is displayed on the screen. This does not affect communications with your HMI.
Please see the following to aid in checking or troubleshooting.
1.) Weight in the hopper exceeds the instrument configuration "Scale Capacity" setting.
a. Under "Calibration" in the weight controller verify the scale capacity setting vs the weight on the scale.
b. 105% of scale capacity will cause a "HI" indication.
c. This is used only as a warning and will not affect the calibration.
d. If you have exceeded the "Scale Capacity" and get a "HI", data sent via communication ports is not affected.
2.) Verify the load cell/sensor wires are properly connected.
a. Verify that the load cell/sensor cable is installed according to the color code listed on the load cell/sensor certificate, installation manual, or cable marking strips.
b. Check for broken signal wires at the connectors in the summing junction box or on the back of the weight controller.
c. Load cell/sensor cable shields must be grounded only at the weight controller.
3.) The load cell/sensor output signal voltage has exceeded 15 mV dc. Use Integrated Technician to verify load cell/sensor mV levels.
a. Verify that the total millivolt signal level is below 15 mV.
b. Verify individual load cell/sensor signal is below 15 mV. An individual load cell/sensor may have been overloaded, overstressed, or over shocked therefore
damaging the cell/sensor causing it to output a high millivolt signal. Could be possible physical damage to the load cell/sensor possibly caused by arc welding on the weigh vessel or near it. There could be moisture that has "wicked" up the load cell/sensor cable.