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How do I zero the weight on my HI 1746WS?

Last updated 04/08/2014 04:37 AM


I want to zero the weight on my HI 1746WS module. I understand that I need to set O:x.14/0 (where x is the slot). How do I determine when to reset the bit?


On the HI 1746WS, word 14 of the input table reflects the changes made to word 14 of the output table. So, when you send a command to zero the scale by setting O:x.14/0, you would monitor I:x.14/0 to see when that bit is set. Once set, you know the module has received the command and if possible to do at that time, has completed it.
To see if the command was successful, you would check Ix.15/14.  This bit is the error bit, with on indicating a failure.  This bit is only valid while your word Ix.14/0 is on indicating the command complete.

Another way to check to see when to remove the bit from the output table would be to check for results.

Example: If you send the zero command, O:x.14/0, you can then compare the gross weight to zero. When the gross weight equals zero, remove the bit.