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Does Hardy sell platform scales larger than 30" X 30"?

Last updated 11/13/2015 04:23 AM


Does Hardy sell platform scales larger than 30 inch by 30 inch?


Yes, Hardy sells scales larger than 30" X 30". The floor scale model is the HI AFSU (Hardy Instruments Anyweigh Floor Scale Universal). The HI AFSU is available in sizes from 30" X 30" up to 6' X 8' and capacities from 1,000 pounds to 15,000 pounds. These platforms may sit in a pit, or the floor, and may be used with or without mounted ramps.

The Hardy Floor Scales are available in sizes from 30"X30", 3'X3', 4'X4', 4'x5', 4'x6', 5'x5', 5'x7', and 6' X 8' with capacities from 1,000 to 10,000 lb rated capacity.

The Hardy Lift Deck floor scales is available in sizes from 3'X3', 4'X4', & 5'X5', and capacities from 1,000 to 5,000 lbs.

Please see data sheets for the different scales on the Hardy Web site to see what size has what capacity rating.

Floor scales use four single ended shear beam load cells.  A floor scale is rated if the entire load is placed on any edge (total load on two cells) they will not be damaged. For example, a 5,000 pound platform scale will contain four 2,500 load cells. In this design the maximum load can be driven onto the scale and the total weight could be placed on two load cells with no load cell damage. The nature of loading and unloading the floor scale makes this a mandatory rating.

A bench scale is rated at the actual capacity of the load cells and is typically not loaded from one side.  If you are using a bench scale as a floor scale, be aware of how the product is being delivered onto the scale.  Using conveyors and rail rollers can apply to much load on one edge and damage the load cell.  The Anyweigh bench scale load cells are rated at 300% of rated capacity before any damage occurs.

The following Dimension/Capacity matrix example can assist in determining the correct platform scale for your application.  See the data sheet for the models on our Hardy web site for specifics on the other model scales.



AB = Dimensions
CC = Capacity

3030 = 30" X 30" 01 (1 k lbs)
33 = 3' X 3' 01 (1 k lbs)
44 = 4' X 4' 02, 05, 10 (1 k, 5k, 10k lbs)
45 = 4' X 5' 05, 10 (5k, 10k lbs)
46 = 4' X 6' 05, 10 (5k, 10k lbs)
55 = 5' X 5' 05, 10 (5k, 10k lbs)
57 = 5' X 7' 05, 15 (10k, 15k lbs)
68 = 6' X 8' 10 (10k lbs)
(Standard height is 3 inches)
" = inch, ' = foot

X = Load Cell Material
4 = Stainless Hermetic (only option)

Y = Platform Material
1 = Painted Steel
3 = Stainless Steel

Z = Platform Top
S = Smooth Top
T = Diamond Tread Top

So, per the above guidelines a HI AFSU55043T is a Hardy Instruments Anyweigh Floor Scale Universal 5 foot by 5 foot with Stainless Hermetic load cells, Stainless Steel Platform Material with a Diamond Tread Top.

There are ramps, bumpers, custom sizes, lift tops, and special capacities available from our Specials department. If you would like more information on a custom platform scale, please contact your Local Hardy Representative and ask them to make a Specials Request.