I have a HI 200DNWM on DeviceNet talking to the ControlLogix and am having problems calibrating my scale. Can you provide a step by step guide to do this including what parameters I need to change from default?
How can I communicate the list of alarms (on page 97 of the installation and service manual) for the HI 3030 to my DeviceNet? I have a blind unit without a display screen.
Is Ethernet I/P communication done by the Ethernet TCP/IP port on my HI 3000 series instrument by default, or do I need a board interface located in one of the option slots for the controller?
What does the Scale Capacity (SC CAP) parameter mean on the HI 2151/30WC? Does the number entered represent the amount of material to be weighed, or the gross of all the weight on the load cells, ie, hopper assembly, material, etc?
If I exceed the scale capacity will I get a --HI-- indication on my display?
We purchased a HI 2151/30WC without any options. Can I order a option board and install it myself, or do I have to send the unit in? If I send it in, what steps do I need to take to make this happen?