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How many option cards can be installed in my HI 2151/30WC or HI 2110WI?

Last updated 07/23/2015 10:45 AM


How many option cards can be installed into my HI 2151/30WC weight controller or HI 2110WI Weight Indicator at one time?


The standard HI 2151/30WC unit has space for 2 option boards. These options are:

-B1 Analog Output board - Two B1 analog boards can be installed and used.
-B2 BCD Board - Only in the right hand option slot.
-B8 Remote I/O Interface board for Allen Bradley Network -
-B12 Profibus interface option board -

Only one of the -B8 or -B12 boards can be installed in a single unit at any time.
You cannot have both boards installed in the HI 2151/30WC unit.

The HI 2110WI only has a single option slot. Any of the HI 2151/30WC option boards can be installed in the HI 2110WI.