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Why can't I get the HI 1771WS configuration software to work?

Last updated 04-07-2014 10:14


Rockwell has built in configuration software for the HI 1771WS modules in their RS Logix 5. I cannot get this configuration software to work with my module. What can cause this situation?


There are several reasons why the HI 1771WS configuration software may not work. The first thing you should check is the communications from the processor to the module. Without normal communications the configuration software cannot work.

If you have normal communications with the module but the configuration software does not work, check the following:

1. Verify the I/O configuration has the HI 1771WS module located in the proper position.

2. Verify the program contains block transfer instructions for the module. If you do not have your own block transfer instructions designated for the software to use, then verify that you have clicked on "inserted rungs". This will place ladder rungs into the program to allow the configuration software to operate. The configuration software must have a set of block transfer instructions for it to work. These can be your normal block transfers to the module for your program, or a separate set just for the configuration software to use.

3. Verify the block transfer instructions are in a part of the running program. If they are in a subroutine and the routine is never called, then the software will not operate.

4. Verify that your program is not changing data within the block transfer data file while the configuration software is running. If the program is changing the data that the configuration software is trying to write to the module, it can look like the configuration software is not doing anything.

5. If the program has separate block transfer instructions for your program and the configuration software, ensure the program block transfers are not being triggered while the configuration software is running. If the program is running block transfers at the same time as the configuration software, it can have unpredictable results.

6. There are some portions of the configuration software that do not work properly and appear that they are not running. These problems have been addressed with an upgraded version of the configuration software. Check to see if the configuration software windows have the "Hardy Instruments" name in the title bar. If you do not see the "Hardy Instruments" in the title bar, then you have not upgraded the configuration software. You can get this upgrade from the Hardy Process Solutions' web site at hardysolutions.com. Once on the Hardy web site go to "HI 1771 products page".  On this page, click on the Doc & Program tab and scroll down to download the file. Once you have the files, find the RS Common directory on your system and delete the file named WS.dll. Once deleted, run the setup file from the download and it will place a new WS.dll file into the RS Common directory. Next time you open RS Logix 5 configuration software, you should see the Hardy name in the title bar indicating you have the upgrade.