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Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus !What type of solid state device does the 3000 series controllers outputs use for AC?
The HI 3000 Series (including the HI 3010, HI 3030 and HI 3300) use OPTO22 solid state relays. These relays have internal SCR circuits that are set for a specific load and output voltages. The AC relays are good for 100 VAC to 240 VAC. Specifications for the relays can be found in the Series 3000 manual. The relay acts as a light switch and controls the hot connection to the device to be controlled. The 3000 series controllers do not supply the voltage out, only switches the voltage.
The DD and DD7 relay options for DC voltage control. DD = DC power and 4 DC relays, DD7=DC power and 7 DC relays, AD =AC power and 4 DC relays, and AD7 = AC power and 7 DC relays.
The connector is paired as follows:
1-2 Output relay 1
3-4 Output relay 2
5-6 Output relay 3
7-8 Output relay 4
9-10 Output relay 5
11-12 Output relay 6
13-14 Output relay 7
Relay options are:
AC = No relays and AC powered (110/220 vac)
DC = No relays and DC powered (12-24 dc)
AA = AC power, 4 AC relays
DA = DC power, 4 AC relays
AA7 = AC power, 7 AC relays
DA7 = DC power, 7 AC relays
Different controllers have different relay configurations. You can find your controller's option on your units' model number label.
Verify your relay option needs with your local Hardy Instruments sales representative before purchasing a unit..