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Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus !How do I program my HI 4050 Analog Output option?
Programming an analog out for the HI 4050:
The recommendation would be to upgrade your firmware level to the latest version.
There are several steps required to associate the analog out card to the input data. These involve setting up the analog out option card and then doing the mapping to assign the input and the output. You must use the web browser mapping section to associate the data type and analog channels. In the latest software release you can select or associate that analog channel and Gross, Net or ROC. Advanced mapping will require you utilize the web browser access and mapping.
Analog Output Card:
Hardware card with the four analog outputs. Channels 0 & 2 are voltage outputs. Channels 1 & 3 are current outputs.
Data Source:
The input data used to determine the output from the analog output card. This data can be a weight data source, a scratchpad data source, or any other input from any source that is available.
The setup needs to include:
Setting an Analog out channel under options for the proper input and output range.
You want the analog output channel two to be 4 to 20 mA output for a range of gross weights from 0 to 250 lbs. That is, 0 lbs = 4 mA output, and 250 lbs = 20 mA output.
1. Go to the configuration/options page in the browser.
2. Update analog out channel 2.
3. Set the output I low and I high ranges for desired levels. For this example it will be 4 for I low and 20 for I high. (4 ma - 20 ma)
4. Set the low weight and high weight ranges for the desired weight. Our example is 0 to 250 lbs, so low weight = 0 and high weight = 250.
5. Set parameters (click on button at bottom of screen).
6. Go to mapping page. (Click on mapping)
7. Click on the destinations drop down list for Control and select Analog Card output 2.
8. Click on "Select"
9. Click on the sources drop down list for Process Data and select GROSS Weight.
10. Click on "Select". This will write the equation into the mapping box.
11. Click on the "Map" button. This assigns the gross weight to the analog output channel 2.
This completes the setup of the analog output for this channel. Now as the gross weight changes from 0 to 250 lbs, you will have a corresponding 4 to 20 mA output from channel 2 of the analog output card.
If you need additional analog outputs, you would go through this process for each analog output channel. There are expanded explanations in the HI 4050 manual.
NOTE: With the older software (ver or prior): Any fine-tuning of the outputs would be adjusted using the output range settings. Example: If you set everything up and found that with the high input you were getting 20.4 mA out instead of 20.0 mA, you can adjust the high weight setting to adjust for this difference. To calculate this adjustment, divide the value you expected by the value you actually got to get a ratio. Multiply the high setting by this ratio to get a new setting. Change the high weight setting to this new setting and recheck. Now the output should be 20.0 instead of 20.4. If your low MA signal is off, apply this same formula to the I Low setting. You adjust the high weight reading to calibrate the 20 ma end and the I LOW to calibrate the 4 ma end. This is also