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Nouvelles gammes de batterie HIDS !
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus !In your PLC you establish (mapped) INput and OUTput words that are used to transfer data over the DeviceNet link to and from the slave HI 3030, HI 3010, HI 4050, or HI 4060. The PLC output words are used for commands and setting set point values. The PLC Input words receive the different weight values and status information. The way these weight values are placed in these words is by using mapping's pull downs. There is an expanded map list available on the mapping page.
In the HI 3000, HI 4050, and HI 4060 installation and service manual there is an explanation covering mapping. This manual is available on the CD that came with your unit, or you can downloaded it from the www.hardyinst.com web page under Process Weighing, Weight Controllers, HI 3030 and then select the tab for manuals for the HI 3030 and the HI 3000. There is also a technical paper on the mapping page along with the listing of all the parameters.
An Example of mapping net weight for channel 1 is as follows:
Mapping is done using a PC web browser, connected online to the standard EtherNet TCP/IP port. Connections and cables are discussed in the HI 3000 and 4000 series manuals.
Under Online Configuration and Mapping select the first page (Destination), networks, and select DeviceNet integer out, choose the correct word# to the right and click the select button.
This establishes the order in which your data will be sent in the mapping string.
This is the input word number where you are expecting to see the weight reading in the PLC.
Scroll to the bottom of the screen and verify the selected entry is now in the current mapping box.
Click the Go to Source page box and pull down process data and highlight the type of weight reading desired. In this example select NET weight.
To the right indicate the channel you want, and click on SELECT, and then click on MAP.
This just mapped DIO0 (DeviceNet Integer Output) = +HFI8(Net Weight chan 1).
Repeat this for each channel.
When you select a word# remember floating point and integers are double words.
So count by twos for the word assignments.
Short integer is one word.
For setting the set point values for each channel:
Return to the destination page and select set point pull down.
You will see there are four selections, amount required (your target) Preact (your in flight material control), dead band (at what change in weight the set point is reset), set point weight source (NET, gross, ROC).
You can set all the set point setting from the set point menu in configuration, so you probably will only be changing the target weight (amount required).
Select the set point, the amount required selection, the set point number you want to change, and click select. Go to the source page and select the DeviceNet integer IN and the word#.
Click on select and map, and when you send a weight amount in that word# position, you have changed the target weight value of that set point.
Repeat this for each change you desire.
Using the mapping pull down menu selections you can build a string for your application.
For more complex commands and sequences use the command interface.
This is explained in the manual and in the technical paper found on the mapping page.
The attachment shows a typical HI4060 mapping setup with explanations.