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Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus !My Hardy controller is ethernet capable, so how do I connect my laptop to the ethernet port? Do I need to use a crossover cable?
You can use a either a crossover cable or a regular network cable to connect your HI 4000 series controller (which includes the HI 4050 and HI 4060) to your laptop. The EtherNet port is intelligent enough to recognize the cable type, make the adjustment, and communicate.
The HI 3000 series (which includes the HI 3010, HI 3030, HI 3300 and the HI 3600) requires the use of a cross-over cable to establish communications across EtherNet unless going through a switch/router.
There are two EtherNet communications protocols. These are the same connection point on the HI 4000. The built in EtherNet connector is the TCP/IP version. The EtherNet TCP/IP port is a standard feature for both the HI 3000 and HI 4000 series controllers. This built-in web browser makes it easy to setup and configure your controller.
To enable the optional EtherNet/IP communications to your PLC or network, you will need to purchase the EIP option. In the HI 4000 series this is a key code enabled feature. The HI 3000 series uses an optional EIP EtherNet communications card installed in slot 0 or 1. These two HI3000 series ports require separate IP addresses.
Additional information is available in the manuals you can download at
http://www.hardysolutions.com Look under Docs and programs. For other controller models, search by Product and model number.