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Can you perform a C2® calibration on a HI 200DNWM over DeviceNet?

Last updated 02-17-2017 03:13


Can you perform a C2® calibration over DeviceNet using a HI 200DNWM?


Yes, you can perform a C2® calibration using DeviceNet and a HI 200DNWM. The easiest way is to press the C2® button, ("The Button") located on the controller. If this is not accessible, C2® calibration can be performed over DeviceNet using explicit messaging or, if you have a Series B module, the Command Interface.


Explicit Message Request Parameters: (This will work on both Series A and Series B modules)

To set or read parameters from the HI 200DNWM weigh module you need to use an Explicit Message Request. The procedures for sending the Explicit Message Requests are unique to each PLC and the user needs to refer to their PLC users guide, PLC DeviceNet Scanner section for instructions.

The HI 200DNWM needs the following information to respond to an Explicit Message Request:

The HI 200DNWM WEIGH MODULE can process the "Get_Attribute_Single" (14) and "Set_Attribute_Single" (16).

Note: A service (22) is not required to save the information in the Series A module. All configuration information is automatically stored.

The Device Net parameter Class is 15.

INSTANCE: Is the parameter number.
The HI 200DNWM WEIGH MODULE parameter number can be found in the HI 200DNWM WEIGH MODULE I&O manual.

The parameter value attribute number is 1.


NOTE: Data length can vary, so insure you enter the correct length (size) of data or problems will occur.
NOTE: Order of bytes must be least significant first. Scale is empty and ready for product. You will be setting Gross 0 (Zero)

Set Calibratimg using C2® command (22)
Send the service=16, Class=15, Instance=22, Attribute=1, data=1
Confirm received
Cancel Calibrating using C2® command.
Send the service=16, Class=15, Instance=22, Attribute=1, data=0
Confirm received
At this point you should be calibrated.

For Series B modules using the Command Interface.

The Series B modules have 4 bytes of input data that the Series A modules did not have. Using these 4 bytes of data, you can perform a C2® calibration with needing an explicit message. These 4 bytes of data are used as follows:
Byte 0 = least significant byte of new data
Byte 1 = most significant byte of new data
Byte 2 = parameter number to write new data to
Byte 3 = determines read of write of parameter (0 = read, 1 = write)

To perform the C2 calibration, you need to set parameter 22 to a value of 1, so in the PLC output table, set the following:
Byte 0 = 1 (the value we want to write to the parameter)
Byte 1 = 0 (the value does not extent into this byte)
Byte 2 = 22 (parameter number to write to)
Byte 3 = 1 (write data)

Once you have performed the above write, you would want to repeat it with the data at zero to clear the command. You would also want to do a Write to non-volatile (save command) by writing a value of 1 then clearing to 0 into parameter 38. This would be done the same way as the calibration command, but with the parameter number changed. If you do not do the save command, the module will loose its calibration with a power cycle.