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Nouvelles gammes de batterie HIDS !
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus !HI 4050 Firmware revisions and earlier supported single Modbus socket communications.
HI 4050 Firmware revision and later supports up to 10 Modbus socket communications simultaneously.
If you have the earlier firmware version you can update your firmware free on our web site here.
Update Procedure for the HI 4050:
Find and start the Autoupdate.exe program, then perform the following:
1. Click on the Find button. This will then search for and list the units that are online on this network. Select the IP address of the unit you want to upgrade.
2. Click on the Browse button to find and select the firmware file you downloaded..
3. Once you have the IP address and the file selected, click on the Update button. You should now be asked for a User Name and Password. Username is hardy and password is updatepass (all one word in lowercase letters).
NOTE: If you click on Update and it does not give you the Password screen, then your program file may have too long of a path from the root directory. Try moving your files up to your root directory and run again.
Once you entered the Username and password, click on OK. You should now see the percent complete bar showing progress of the upgrade.
Once it has completed the download, it should show the screen indicating the programming is complete without error.
Cycle power on your HI 4050 to complete the firmware update process.