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Product Inspection by Weight (Checkweighing)

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HI4050CW - Checkweighing Bundle with Checkweight Controller

The high speed HI 4050CW check weighing system can process up to 250 high resolution (1:30:000) weight measurements per second. The 4050CW consists of a special version of the HI 4050 weight controller connected to up to four analog load cells and a Hardy junction box.
De $0.00

HIBSD - Balance de banc Hardy Washdown avec affichage

Les balances de table Hardy HIBSD Washdown offrent une simplicité et des performances robustes pour les applications de pesage industriel léger. Avec un écran lumineux rétro-éclairé et des fonctions de mise à zéro et de tare intégrées, elles sont faciles à utiliser pour toutes sortes d'applications de pesage. Les balances de table Hardy HIBSD sont homologuées pour le lavage avec des plateaux en acier inoxydable. Elles sont équipées d'une cellule de charge en aluminium, scellée pour l'environnement, IP65, avec un taux de réponse ADC de 100 ms.
De $0.00

HPS-CW2 - Hardy Caseweigher for Product Inspection

Hardy’s Caseweigher machine is designed for SIMPLICITY using off-the-shelf components and a PLC control platform to afford users enough FLEXIBILITY to meet both current and future control needs.
De $0.00

HPS-IFC - Hardy Infeed/Pacing Conveyor for Product Inspection

The Infeed/Pacing Conveyer is designed to consistently deliver product to the Hardy Caseweigher at the proper speed and distance to ensure check weighing accuracy.
De $0.00

HPS-ORC - Hardy Outfeed/Reject Conveyor for Product Inspection

The Outfeed/Reject conveyer is designed to seamlessly reject over weight or underweight products.  It comes in many different configurations to depending on the line speed and shape of your products.  It can be designed to reject to separate bins over weight or underweight products so you can determine the best way classify them.
De $0.00
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